To visit the enterprise and see how delicious products are produced is probably the dream of many. Especially schoolchildren who know what snacks are. During school breaks, the products of the company “Sardor” are always useful to them.

Such an opportunity fell to the students of the gymnasium “Nur” of the Shakhrinav district. Arriving at the production, the children with great curiosity were interested in the production of chips, crackers, chewing gum…

The attendants willingly answered all the questions of the students. According to students, after the excursion to “Sardor” they discovered a lot of new things for themselves. Here is what the students said when they shared their impressions after the tour:

– “In order to go on an excursion to “Sardor” , we were given a condition – we had to receive at least five ratings a day during the week. We tried our best”.

– “We visited the enterprise, which is known in every family. This is “Sardor”.

– “There are very polite workers, they smiled at us and treated us. We saw how the products are made.”

Organization and conduct of excursions at the enterprise “Sardor 2008” is one of the important events. Visiting the production workshops, people see here modern equipment, well-organized work of the staff, cleanliness and discipline. Here much is introduced for the first time in the Republic. And it is important that young people, entering adulthood, learn modern production.