Sale Promotion – more than 3400 prizes
In order to take part in the promotion, all you need to do is buy SARDOR products, find coupons with letters and collect the winning combination. For each last letter of the combined word (SarSardSardoSardor), a gift from the corresponding category will be indicated in the form of a picture. If out of the created combination letters SARD two letters (R D) have a photo of a gift, then you just need to find a simple R without a gift. In each winning combination, there must be only one letter with the specified gift.
The following products participate in the promotions: “crackers KOK, Chips SIMBA and corn sticks SIMBA” Prizes can be in any of these packs.
And also, for 2 months in a row, one of the two brand new RavonSpark cars will be raffled off – 100 “Lucky Tickets” will be sent out throughout the country, monthly.
The lucky ones will be invited to the SARDOR plant, where the main drawing of the main prize of the RavonSpark car will take place. By random selection of lucky tickets, using the drum.
IMPORTANT: “Lucky tickets” are different for each month.
The ticket from the first month of the car draw will not be valid.
The more “Lucky tickets” the more likely you are to win a car.
IMPORTANT!! Gifts may differ from those shown in the pictures (by color, etc., but have the same value) everyone can participate in the promotion!
The winner will receive only one gift for the created combinational word.
If one letter is missing from the created combination letters, then he cannot receive a gift.
Gifts will be delivered within 10 days